Backed for many years by strong financial partners, Panafrance is an active investor.
We invest or co-invest in assets with a potential for value creation in the short, medium or long term depending on the case. PanaFrance has a solid experience in the completion of turnkey rental projects that we mainly keep in our portfolio, and in sale & leaseback acquisitions, in particular for industrial assets.
Our portfolio is the result of an extremely selective acquisition strategy based on high expectations in terms of durability.

Asset and Property Management
The proximity to our tenants, who are key to the value of our assets, is one of defining policy of our company.
Building on our experience in this area and at the request of its partners, our Group has decided to capitalize on its know-how, making our skills in asset and property management available to investing partners.

As a developer, Panafrance controls all operations relating to the construction or redevelopment of a real estate asset.
Whether for construction, restructuring or major rehabilitation operations, Panafrance has the expertise, skills and financial capacity to carry out any type of real estate value enhancement operation.

Investment management
Panafrance advises and supports its investing partners in all types of acquisition or disposal operations.
We thus manage and coordinate the entire process on behalf of the investor: from negotiation, through technical, legal and financial due diligence, to completion of ownership transfer.

This know-how is also used within the framework of a property development contract (CPI), Assistance To the Owner assignments (AMO) or a delegated project management (MOD).
The expertise in our field and our intimate knowledge of occupiers gives us efficiency and experience to properly assess land opportunities and assets to be developed or redeveloped.